Join SIL’s NLP Language Technology team for a live demo of Scripture Forge, an AI-driven drafting, editing and reviewing assistant in active development, preview new features and learn how you can use it in your translation process.
Scripture Forge provides Paratext projects with AI-driven drafting and editing tools so that translators can leverage language elements and their already-completed work to inform Natural Language Processing models to help them draft either by verse or by book. Once you have a body of work, the NLP system can provide useful drafts that allow translators to spend their time and effort on correcting errors and increasing the accuracy, clarity and readability of drafts rather than creating those drafts from scratch.
Scripture Forge’s community review features allows teams to tap the inherent linguistic knowledge of the community to improve the value of draft copy.
We are actively testing Scripture Forge’s drafting technology on field projects and teams are discovering the benefits of adopting this methodology in a variety of languages and language types.
4 Sessions:
Friday 13 Oct @ 7pm
Friday 13 Oct @ 8pm
Monday 16 Oct @ 7pm
Monday 16 Oct @ 8pm