2011 Theme:
The Future of Bible Translation: Creative Strategies and Practical Steps
The 6th Biennial Bible Translation Conference
Audience Needs and Media Alternatives
Bible Translation Theory and Practice
Bible Translation Training and Consultancy
Harnessing Technology for the BT Task
Beekman Lecture Series
James Maxey, Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship
Dr. James Maxey is Translations and Biblical Scholar at the Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship at the American Bible Society and chair of the Translation Development Group of the Forum of Bible Agencies International. James was linguist-exegete for the completed Vuté New Testament translation project in Cameroon. Dr. Maxey received his PhD in World Christianity and Mission from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. Besides numerous journal articles, he is the author of From Orality to Orality: A New Paradigm for Contextual Translation of the Bible. James and his wife Pam have four children and live in the Chicago area.
Public Banquet
Mark D. Taylor, President and CEO of Tyndale House Publishers
Mark Taylor is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Tyndale House Publishers, one of the largest Christian publishers in the USA. Tyndale was founded by his parents in 1962 to publishLiving Letters, the first part of what eventually became The Living Bible. Mark served as Chief Stylist for the Holy Bible, New Living Translation (English). He also serves as President of Tyndale House Foundation. The foundation makes grants to many non-profit organizations around the world.
Additional Plenary Speakers
Dr. R. Daniel Shaw: Professor of Anthropology and Translation, Fuller Graduate School of Intercultural Studies; International Anthropology Consultant, SIL.
Dr. Michael R. Walrod: President of the Canada Institute of Linguistics, Director of the MLE degree program at ACTS Seminary, and author of two books on Discourse Analysis.
Dr. Simon Crisp: Director of Translation Services with the United Bible Societies. He has published widely in the fields of sociolinguistics, hermeneutics and biblical studies.
Greg Pruett: President of Pioneer Bible Translators, working toward a PhD from Fuller Theological Seminary in Intercultural Studies.