Training Opportunities
Video Production Course
Learn to make videos from start to finish promoting local languages and scripture engagement.
PTXprint Workshop
This workshop is designed for translators, consultants, and other professionals who use Paratext and are interested in learning about publication methods.
Macro Analysis of Hebrew Poetic and Prophetic Discourse
The research question focuses on whether macro analysis of Old Testament poetic and prophetic books is possible, given the largely anthological nature of many of the texts.
Clear Dashboard Mini-Camp (Post-BTC23)
The Clear Dashboard is a new Quality Assurance tool that works in collaboration with your Paratext projects.
AI Workshop
This one day workshop aims to help people from non-technical backgrounds to understand what happens when we apply artificial intelligence (AI) to language-related tasks.
AQuA Demo - Augmented Quality Assessment
Live demo of AQuA, an AI-driven quality checking co-pilot.
Scripture Forge Demo - AI-driven Scripture Drafting and Editing
Live demo of Scripture Forge, an AI-driven Scripture drafting and editing assistant
Clear Dashboard Mini-Camp (Pre-BTC23)
The Clear Dashboard is a new Quality Assurance tool that works in collaboration with your Paratext projects.
Paratext Workshop
This workshop will focus on workspace setup, resources for exegesis, project planning, and more.
Intended to extend skills of capable Paratext users.