2013 Theme:
Promoting Excellence in Bible Translation
Workforce and Training (including project management, cluster projects and other models, developing independent thinking and critical analysis skills, training paradigms, developing consultants, etc.)
Bible Translation Theory and Practice (including textual and exegetical issues, factors of genre, key terms, extended metaphors, drafting approaches, etc.)
Print and Non-Print Media (including storying, arts and performance, signed languages, scripts, study notes, multi-media, internet and new media, etc.)
Engagement and Impact (including host community participation, scripture engagement, acceptability, ethics, contextualization, Scripture selection in the translation process, etc.)
There will be 80+ papers presented at BT2013 from the four sub-themes. The BT2013 presenters come from at least 31 different Bible translation organizations and educational institutions
Beekman Lecture Series (Friday/Sunday evenings):
Dr. Lourens de Vries, Professor of General Linguistics at the VU University Amsterdam
Dr. de Vries holds the Netherlands Bible Society Chair of Bible Translation at the VU University Amsterdam. His research interests include the history and theory of Bible translation in the broader context of translation studies, linguistic aspects of Bible translation processes, and the study of Papuan and Austronesian languages. His articles on translation, sociology and linguistics have appeared in many respected journals and anthologies.
Eugene A. Nida Lecture Series (Saturday morning):
Dr. Phil H. Towner, Dean and Executive Director of Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship at American Bible Society
Dr. Towner is both a biblical and translation scholar with extensive translation experience as a translation consultant in SE Asia and the Americas. Prior to assuming the leadership of Nida institute, he was the Director of Translation Services for United Bible Societies. Dr. Towner has authored and edited numerous scholarly articles and is the author of the NICNT commentary The Letters to Timothy and Titus (2006).
Public Banquet (Tuesday evening):
Freddy Boswell, Executive Director of SIL International
Freddy Boswell is currently Executive Director of SIL International. Since 1989, he has served as a translation advisor and consultant to the Cheke Holo Bible Translation Program of Solomon Islands. He has also served as an SIL International Translation Consultant, SIL International Translation Coordinator, SIL Vice President of Academic Affairs, and Wycliffe International Vice President for Scripture Promotion.
Additional Plenary Speakers
Dr. Bryan Harmelink, International Translation Coordinator, SIL International
Glenn J. Kerr, chief translation consultant for Bibles International, part of Baptist Mid-Missions
Jill Goring, International Translation Coordinator, New Tribes Mission
The Conference schedule is expected to be as follows:
The opening event will be a plenary session on Friday evening.
Papers will be presented Saturday.
The only scheduled event on Sunday will be a plenary session in the evening.
Papers will be presented on Monday and Tuesday, with a concluding Public Banquet on Tuesday evening.
There will be additional conference events on Saturday and Monday evenings.
This schedule includes plenaries, papers, posters, discussion sessions, and plenty of time for individual interaction and networking.
Note these pre- and post-conference events before planning your travel:
Dr. Regina Koroma and Dr. Pete Unseth will present a one-day workshop on “Training Bible Translators in non-Western Contexts” on Friday, October 11, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the International Linguistics Center. See the Training Workshop flyer for registration and more information.
The Abraham Center at Dallas International will host “Abraham 2013,” a one-day presentation/discussion of significant papers on contemporary topics of relevance to Muslim contexts, on Wednesday, October 16, at the International Linguistics Center. See Dr Harlan’s invitation for more information. Download this PDF form to register.
Two ParaTExt Training courses are being offered October 16-18, 2013:
Effective use of Paratext 7 for Translators, taught by Neal Brinneman
Effective use of Paratext 7 for Translation Consultants, taught by Doug Higby
Information on both courses and instructions on how to sign up may be found here.
A Participatory Methods for Engaging Communities (PMEC) workshop will be led by Sue Hasselbring and others October 16-25 in Duncanville, TX. Participants will learn how to facilitate discussions that help language communities grow in ownership of translation and other language development work. Contact PMEC@kastanet.org to obtain more information and to register.
Wycliffe USA is planning to have Member Services Specialists available before and after the BT Conference to offer seminars and one-on-one sessions in areas such as career guidance, counseling, debriefing, and financial and retirement information. See their flyer for more information.
These events are not sponsored by the BT Conference; this information is provided to you as a service.
A Proposal for a Team Approach to Translation Consulting
Developing Critical Thinking Skills using Participatory Approaches
How Much Linguistics Training Does a Translator Need?
The impending paradigm shift in educational preparation for Bible translators, and what to expect
“Variety – the spice of life” OR “Too many cooks spoil the broth”: Successfully incorporating partners into language programs
Where there is no exegete: A model for training translators in exegesis
But What Does it Mean? Better Lexica for Biblical Languages
Changes in the Nestle-Aland Methodology and Apparatus for the Catholic Letters
On Translating Participles of Saying Verbs in the Four Gospels
Opening the valves in Paul’s long sentences
Qualitative Predicate Nominatives Translated as References to God in John
Reading Malachi 1:2-14 as a Unit: An Attributive/Echoic Discourse
Sociolinguistics and key-term development: To borrow or create?
The expression of emotion in language and in translation: Failures and successes in English translations
The importance of Biblical Theology for Bible translation and oral Bible storying, illustrated by an analysis and translation application of the key term “grace”
The Literal Truth: Confronting the Notion of Word-for-Word Bible Translation
TOTAL TRANSLATION: How application of relevance theory to video Scripture portions solves multiple translation problems
Translating Psalms to be Sung: Encoding the Poetic Line
Translation issues in clause chaining languages
Translation Quality in an Era of Localisation
Uncovering the Meaning we Translate: The Importance of Discourse Context
Women, the Church, and Bible Translation
Emerging Media Trends Affecting Progressive Publication of Newly Translated Scripture
Oral Drafting, Audio Checking-and-Revision: An Incipient Revolution for Bible Translation?
Paraguayan Sign Language Translation experience using Sign Writing
Print and Audio: Partnering Together during Translation
A translation approach to address language change
Bible storytelling as an Entry into Written Translation Work
Expressing cultural concepts of the Old Testament in Ewondo: An appraisal of Bible translation and reception
Integrating Bible Translation into Holistic Community Development
New Directions for Bible Translation in Africa