Marriage of Translation and Technology - Paratext Training Anchored in the Bible Translation Process

Bible translation thrives on technology. Powerful software tools speed Bible translation, but misuse of these tools can have a negative impact on translation quality. Carefully-designed training can help translators apply the right tools at the right time for improved quality.

The authors are a husband and wife team working for SIL as Language Technology and Translation consultants, respectively. We have pooled our experience to develop a “marriage” of these two domains that recognizes the strengths and pitfalls of the technology used for translation. In this presentation, we share how this partnership altered the Paratext training we provide for Bible translators in Chad.

We recognize that translation projects pass through different stages (Creativity, Consistency, Completion), and that each stage benefits from different tools. Thus, we avoid “one-size fits all” Paratext courses, and instead offer training focused on the most beneficial tools for each project stage.

Computer specialists may be tempted to teach Paratext by focusing on the mechanics of the software. We counter that tendency by organizing Paratext courses around the translation process itself, touching on different tools needed during Exegesis, Drafting, Revision, Consultant Checking, and Publication.

Just as the Bible translation process impacts our Paratext courses, we ensure that Paratext is integral to our ongoing translation courses (e.g. Exegesis, One-Book workshops), which intentionally focus on using Paratext to carry out translation tasks.

This marriage of Language Technology and Bible Translation proves to be a fruitful union that anchors technology in service to quality Bible translation.

Judy Heath; Jeff Heath

Dr. Judy and Jeff Heath work for SIL Chad as consultants in Bible Translation and Language Technology, respectively. They arrived in Chad in 1998 and raised their two daughters there. Among other work interests, they design and teach training courses for Bible translators.


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