Papers & Presentations

A Biblical Argument for Meaning Based Translation

A Holistic Approach to Ending Bible Poverty in Deaf Communities

A People Divided by a Common Language: The Orthography of Sesotho in Lesotho and South Africa and the Implications for Bible Translation

A Shift in Understanding: The emergence of internalization as a tool for understanding

A translator's guide to conditionals in the NT

A Tree Planted by the Water: Christology in Orthodoxy and Early Islam

Accuracy: A matter of Author or Audience?

AI for Bible Translation

All about cohorts: the good, the bad and the ugly

An outsider initiating and funding a needed BT project: riots, deaths, and the prohibition of BT for decades, Queen Olga of Greece (1901)

Angels, Devils, Tabernacles and Paradise: What to Do When Words Drift Away From Their Biblical Meanings

Assessment Tool on Mulitlingualism

At risk of not getting what you want: a caution about using only “Rapid Appraisal” surveys to assess Bible translation needs

Augmented Quality Assessment (AQuA) - Strategy, Progress and Lessons Learned

Beekman Lecture II - People, Paradigms, and Purpose—Reflecting on our Pilgrimage in Bible Translation

Best Practices to Help the Translation Review Committee Succeed

Bible (re-)translation practices/paradigms amidst ‘tribal’ conflicts in northern Ghana

Bible Translation Communities of Practice

Bible Translation Network

Broadening the Frame for Deepening the Big Picture of Bible Translation

Certification basée sur les compétences pour les conseillers en traduction

Church Interpreting and Bible Translation: Friends or Foes?

ClearSuite for Easy Bible Checking and Preparing Enhanced Resources

Commentary-writing training as a way to build up translator’s competence

Comparison of Automatic Alignment Engines on Complete Bible Translations

Componential Analysis and Contextual Clues: A Study of the Biblical Words for "generation"

Consultant checking oral Bible stories, a case study

Correspondence Types in Biblical Hebrew Parallelism

Dichotomies in Bible Translation: Can Case Studies in Church-Centric Bible Translation Provide New Insight?

Difficult Verses in Bible Translation

Digital media strategy throughout the life of a Bible translation project

Discourse Analysis and New Testament Studies: A Critical Appraisal

Does the Value of Accuracy Frequently Conflict with the Value of Acceptability in Bible Translation Projects?

Encouraging Scripture Engagement through Video

En-gannim: The Irrigation System Cognitive Frame and the Translation of Some Bible Verses

Evaluating training of local translators in light of calls for theological "decolonization"

Expanding Your Bible Translation Team by Utilizing Mobile Technology - The Impact of Paratext Lite

Faster, Cheaper, Better meets Accurate, Clear, and Natural: The Emergence of Every Tribe Every Nation in the Bible Translation Task

Finding (hidden) Diaspora for the purposes of Bible Translation and Scripture Engagement

First and Last, Son and Lord: The Case for “Root of David/Jesse” as a Sign of Jesus’ Divinity

From dependency to dignity: unlocking local resources in the global South

Genesis among Muslim Readers: Seeing the Text through Eastern Eyes

God’s Eternal Truth Expressed in Contextual Bible Translation

Growth Plans, Competency Based Certification, and Translation Consultant Certification

Honorifics and the Japanese Bible: Goliath is "ruder" than Pharaoh?

How can you engage when you can’t connect? Orthographic barriers to Scripture Engagement

How to Translate YHWH Tsebaot (LORD of Hosts)

Idioms in the Hebrew Bible: their translation to Spanish Bibles and their implications in Bible translation from Spanish to Indigenous Languages

If They Remain Silent... the very stones will cry out

Improving Orthography Development in Translation Programs

Interaction with Other Speakers of the Language during a Consultant Check: Various Ways and their Advantages and Disadvantages

Is the requirement of standardized language identification a barrier to Bible translation?

Keeping the Edges Rough: How to Translate the Obscene, Vulgar, and Profane parts of Scripture to Foster Human Thriving

L’alphabétisation et la traduction de la Bible

L’énallage dans l’Ancien Testament : fonctions et défis

La pertinence de la traduction performative dans le contexte Toussian

La pratique culturelle des fiançailles dans la culture juive et la culture ŋgɔmba et ses implications pour la traduction de Matthieu 1.18 ?

La traversée du désert dans le Nouveau Testament

Le rôle du mentorat formel dans la formation des consultants en traduction

Les apports de la théorie interprétative à la pratique de la traduction

Les Compétences à développer pour résoudre les conflits dans une équipe de travail : Cas dans une équipe de traduction biblique

Leveraging Biblical Artistry for Translation Clarity & Fidelity in Luke 15

‘Like a tree’: mixed metaphors and miscollocations

Living Bible Translation Stories: An Applied History Approach for Translation Training

Measuring Human Flourishing and Vernacular Scripture Impact

Mentoring in the Bible Translation Movement : Recent Advances

Methods and Strategies for Advancing Bible Translation among Unreached People Groups: Lessons from Chad

More than words: Oral translation and local ownership

Narrative Strategies in Ruth: Developing Holistic Understanding for Translation

NT translation for digital environment - an example

On the surprising evolution of Bible translation and training in Francophone Africa

Opening Session + Devotions - Jeffrey Feinberg

Oral Bible Storytelling as Shaped by On-the-job Competency-based Training and Group Experiential Learning

Paradigms at work: dealing with expectations about Bible translation

Performance to performance: Reading Psalm 145 through a “performance lens”, and presenting the psalm using African performance features

Plusieurs mots pour traduire « saint », « sainteté » ? Des réflexions sur la langue Kassem au Burkina Faso

Poetic packagings of the Psalms: Insights from the 1500s and 1600s on their translation

Principles in Managing Multi-Cultural Teams

Project Ignite: Equipping Teams for Effective Use of BT and Language Technology Tools

Psalm 62 unpacked for performance – and for translation

Psalms exegetical resources: What do users want?

Psalms: Layer by Layer

Putting everybody in their place

Recherches sur la culture cible par des traducteurs de la Bible : défis et suggestions

Reflections on the authority and canon of oral Scriptures

Replace your Model Text with an Enhanced Resource for a Better First Draft

Results of Machine Translation with FLExTrans in Production-Mode

Rethinking Quality Assurance in Bible Translation

Scripture Access vs. Scripture Engagement: What is our goal and how do we get there?

Success and Failure Factors in Diaspora Bible Translation and Scripture Engagement

Succor for Old Testament Translators

Swearing Oaths: Old Testament practices and translation challenges

Taking the potholes out of the road: Prepublication recording as a means of editing in oral preference cultures

Teaching Contradictory Biblical Languages—What Do We Do When Experts Radically Disagree?

Termes clés multi-mots dans l’Ancien Testament

The Bible Translation Consulting Community: how can we more effectively welcome colleagues from different backgrounds?

The book of Jonah in the Southern Altai language (Siberia) in the style of an Altai epic poem performed by throat singing - a design for a performance in a local genre based on an oral bible translation.

The Consulting Registry: Tracking BT consulting at an entity, project or individual level

The Digital Training Library (DTL): relevant training for a global workforce

The Diminution of the Samaritan in the Bokyi Jesus Film: A Plus or a Minus for Effective Communication?

The hermeneutical burden of making it possible for the modern reader to enter into the literary world created by the original author. John 2:4

The Impact of Local Typesetting on the Translation Process

The joys and challenges of checking Oral Bible Translations

The Masoretic Cantillation Accents: A Prosodic Orthography for the Hebrew Bible

The Online SE Guide: Applying design theory to Scripture Engagement analysis

The Prophetic Lawsuit: An Introduction to Riyb Literature for Bible Translators

The Translation-Paraphrase Interface: Exploring Meaning and Interpretation through a New English Translation

The Universal Apparatus

Toward lead indicators of "success" in Bible translation programs

Toward maximizing community initiative in translation projects

Towards a Multifaceted Collaboration in Bible translation—a Case Study of the Boyaya Cluster

Towards Identity-Based Bible Translation

Traduction et imaginaire social : Traduction contextuelle de חֹמֶר dans Job 13.12 chez les Kassena du Burkina Faso

Traduction multidisciplinaire : les enjeux du 21ème siècle

Traduction orale de la Bible : Sa prise de conscience

Traduire les métaphores des sentiments et émotions basées sur les parties du corps humain : exemple du cœur

Transcription des anthroponymes et toponymes bibliques dans les langues du Bénin : Questionnements phonologiques et Plaidoyer

Translanguaging Bible Translation

Translanguaging: Multilingual Approaches to Bible Translation and Scripture Engagement

Translating ambiguous reason clauses

Translating 'but': contrast and topics

Translating performance features in the Hebrew Bible for oral and deaf communities.

Translating the Divine Name

Translating the Legal Terms: Making Sense of a Messy Venn Diagram

Translation as Inculturation: Translating the concept of reconciliation for the Toussian of Burkina Faso

Translethics: Resolving Ethical Translation Problems of the ‘Unpardonable Sin’ in Matthew 12:22–32

Transliteration versus Translation of proper names and titles in the Bible: The case study of the Holy Bible in Hausa (Littafi Mai Tsarki)

Transnational Translators

Trends and Patterns In The Translation of The Swahili Bible

Twenty Three Hundred Years of Jewish Bible Translators: Who They Were, What They Accomplished, Why They Rendered the Hebrew Bible as They Did"l

Une stratégie pour maximiser l’initiative communautaire

Using Psalms in the church and everyday life

Using Syntactic Parsing to Enable Machine Translation for Language Pairs with Thorny Differences

Video-Based Oral Translation

Visibility of Women Translators and Editors in Chinese Bible versions

What did Jacob do when he stole Laban's heart? (Gen 31:20) Exploring the concept of heart in Biblical Hebrew as a cognitive metaphor.

What's in a Name? The Impact of 'Isa on Sharing of Jesus with Muslims

When is a Bible Translation likely to ‘take’? The role of the type of multilingualism

When is God an Elder Brother

Who Makes a Good Translation Team Member in Diaspora Contexts?

Yemba Laments: Analyzing a Burial Event with an Eye to Bible Translation